Sage Bundles – White Smudge Sticks
Harness the cleansing and revitalising power of the cycles of nature and the expanding and contracting power of the with regular smudging and cleansing of your physical body and favourite places.
A little about smudging, smudging is the tradition of cleansing and purifying with smoke using sacred herbs and intention to clear negative energy from a person or space.
A little prayer to recite to begin and as you smudge – with appreciation and the collective power of universal wisdom and light. I command through my I am presence to transmute and transform all density, negativity and powerlessness. I call forth, I call in refreshing radiant beauty, harmony, love and lightness.
Light your smudge bundle in a ceramic vessel containing sand and gently blow the glowing embers until an abundant smoke plume rises.
Whilst reciting your prayer and personal intentions silently or through the power of your voice.
To begin cleanse your physical body and etheric energy centres by waving the smoke through and over your field. Start at your feet and move the smoke around and throughout to complete at the top of your crown. Now intentionally and consciously move through your home and space releasing and clearing as you go, enjoy.
Californian White Sage authentic, wildcrafted and sustainably harvested
White sage is spiritually cleansing and purifying our smudge bundles are hand wrapped inclusive of an intentional invocation and prayer. Medium Size 14cm 65 Grams